FAQ > Windshield Repair and Replacement Questions
How long will it take to replace my windshield glass? The time it takes would depend on the make and model of your vehicle. The average car or truck replacement windshield installation typically takes from 45 to 90 minutes.
Windshield Repair 101   Windshield Repair 101 Windshield Repair 101   Windshield Repair 101 FMVSS Safety Standards FMVSS Safety Standards
The professionally trained team at Phoenix Glass can evaluate your windshield chip or break to determine if your windshield can or should be repaired or replaced. Your welcome to stop by our auto glass service center today and have your windshield checked absolutely free.
I have a small rock chip in my windshield, Is it true that it can be repaired? and if so, how is that possible? Windshield Repair has been done with great success for well over 30 years and is another specialty we offer here at Phoenix Glass. The answer to the first part of your question is dependent on the size, location and type of break your windshield has. The short answer to How is, basically we remove the air from the windshield break and inject a resin into it that bonds to the glass and seals out air. Air is actually the main culprit that makes a windshield break grow larger.
Phoenix Glass Knoxville's Finest Windshield and Auto Glass Replacement Center 865.947.5706
For a detailed answer and information to your question please click the Windshield repair 101 link.
Repairing a windshield break is a process that can only be done one time. It’s imperative that you select a company that is well qualified because after the resin has hardened it can not be redone again.
How do I know your installers are qualified? Your Phoenix Glass Auto Glass Technician keeps up with the times and have a high degree of understanding of the ins and outs of rear back glass window replacements. They are familiar with the proper tools, methods of removal, preparation of the pinchweld and possess the knowledge of the many different adhesives available that will provide the strength to hold the back glass in your vehicle. Along with all that they also understand and use the proper methods that prevent leakage and rust around the pinchweld where the auto glass bonds to the vehicle. Phoenix Glass technicians have as much as 42 and none less than 15 years of auto glass experience and have literally installed thousands of rear window back glass windshields. You can rest assured that your new replacement back glass will be properly installed to meet both FMVSS and AGRSS standards so that your vehicle will be restored to the factory specifications or better
How soon can I wash my vehicle after my windshield is replaced? You can h and wash your vehicle as long as you keep high pressure sprays of water well away from the windshield and moldings. Water or rain on the new windshield installation isn't a problem at all, in fact the moisture actually helps the curing process of the urethane adhesive sealant. You should wait a minimum of 24 hours before washing your vehicle in a high pressure type of car or tuck wash. A high pressure automatic car wash can damage the new windshield seal and outer mouldings before the urethane adhesive used in the new windshield installation has a chance to sufficiently cure. It's also important to leave at least one of the windows open at least 2 inches to reduce the pressurization in the vehicle when the doors are shut and when the heat or air conditioning is operated for 24 hours. Having a window slightly open prevents the pressure build up from ambient heat on a hot day and the pressure the heater or air conditioner builds up inside the vehicle’s cabin from pushing a hole through the new uncured urethane seal, causing an air or water leak.
How soon can I drive my car after my glass is replaced? That will depend on the type of urethane adhesive used to install the auto glass in your vehicle. While most automotive grade urethanes rely on temperature and humidity to cure, the time required varies widely depending on the manufacturer. This time frame can range from 1 to 24 hours or more before your vehicle will meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and is considered safe to drive. If you need to drive your vehicle sooner, a more expensive chemically cured urethane can be used that will allow a 1 hour drive-away time. In either case, it's imperative that you follow the manufacturers' instructions regarding safe drive away times. Not adhering to those instructions could result in your injury or even death. It is extremely important that the technician replacing your automotive glass explain to you when you are able to SAFELY drive your car.
Does my windshield really protect me? If your windshield is installed properly it sure doe’s! Auto manufacturers say your windshield provides up to 50 percent of the roof crush protection in a rollover accident. It also provides the backstop support for your passenger side air bag in a front end collision. Your windshield is also designed as one of the main safety restraint systems in your vehicle. If your windshield were to pop out in a collision or rollover and you did not have your seat belt on or it were to fail you could be ejected from your vehicle.
How will my inspection, military base, state park, parking or toll stickers be handled? In most cases our Auto Glass Technicians can transfer your windshield stickers to your new windshield. If they cannot, as much of it as possible will be saved so that you can get it replaced.
My car has a interior rear view mirror that looks very complicated, Is it going to be an issue when I have Phoenix Glass replaces my windshield? Most interior rear view mirrors of today look like something to be afraid of (and a few of them are) but the majority of them are just business as usual for the technicians at Phoenix Glass.
There are many different types of vehicles in today’s world and each of them have their own peculiarities. Your customer service representative at Phoenix Glass will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have for your particular vehicle.
After I have my windshield replaced, how do I know if it was done right? You don't! Without removing the windshield, it's impossible to tell if the windshield was prepped correctly, if critical primers and proper flash times were used, or even if the proper amount and type of urethane was used. Once a windshield is installed all the critical installation preparation steps are hidden under the moldings and black ceramic band. If it looks like a clean windshield, back glass or other type of auto glass installation and the moldings are lying correctly you can only guess it was done right and in reality those things are only cosmetic, it's what is underneath and when and how it was done during the replacement installation process that counts. The only sure way to tell if a windshield or other type of auto glass is properly installed is to crash test it, but we sure don't recommend it.
The next best way to know is to know the reputation of the company that installed it. Make sure the company has an actual address complete with an actual store front as there are many gypsy type auto glass companies operating in and around Knoxville as well as it’s surrounding areas. No store front usually goes hand in hand with a pick up truck and a cell phone. You can easily accomplish this using Google Maps Street View . Google allows you to see if the company your considering using for the installation of your new replacement windshield turns out to be a home, an apartment complex or even an empty lot. With the power of the internet anyone can make a attractive website to lure you in. They typically have no liability insurance and when something goes wrong you are on your own since they are very difficult to track down and with the power of Caller ID they stop answering your repeated phone calls. Due to poor workmanship during the average month here at Phoenix Glass we re-do auto glass in about 6 vehicles per month from this type of so called auto glass company. By the time you add up the expenses of a new glass, mouldings and repairing the body damage that was done to the pinchweld the price for repairing a vehicle in this type of situation is usually 3 to 4 times what it would have cost if it were done right in the first place. Unfortunately most of these installers are or were employed and trained by some of the major chain outfits where they learned these corner cutting traits to make more money and actually have convinced their selves to believe that they are doing the work properly. Typically these employees are paid by salary plus commission. In slow times the employee gets the minimum pay to save the company money but when times are busy as an added incentive the employee is given a commission based on production. The more jobs completed the more pay received and the only way that can happen is by speeding up the installation process which is where something has to suffer in order to make that happen and it’s usually you and your vehicle. In the event these short cuts lead to a problem at the very least your going to loose some valuable time having your vehicle redone and at the very worst it can lead to serious injury or the loss of your life or that of someone you love so be very careful when choosing who you let install your windshield or other glass in your vehicle.
Make sure the company has an actual address complete with an actual store front Poor workmanship caused the rust on this cars windshield pinchweld Make sure the company has an actual address complete with an actual store front Poor workmanship on this newly painted Ford truck windshield.  It was installed with no primers and a poor excuse for a urethane bead, it has several leaks! The only person who really knows if your windshield is installed properly is the auto glass technician that installed it. You should wait at least 24 hours after your replacement windshield installation before washing your car or truck in a high pressure car wash. Automakers say your windshield provides up to 50% of roof crush protection in a roll over accident. Your windshield is also designed to support  your passenger side air bag in a front end collision.
Important Windshield Safety Facts You Should Know! 10% of all accidents are vehicle rollovers that cause almost 11,000 annual fatalities o The FMVSS 216 Standard says that a roof must sustain no greater than a 5” crush when one and a half times the vehicle weight is applied to the “A” pillar o Vehicle occupants held inside the vehicle have a 25% greater chance of escaping injury o 75% of occupants ejected from their vehicles are fatalities o Passenger Airbags use your windshield for a backstop and can only function properly if the windshield remains in place during a crash Click the link at right to see a crash test video of your vehicles make and model.
Your Windshield is one of the main safety restraint systems that protect you and your loved ones Consumer Reports, Car crash tests   Consumer Reports, Car crash tests Consumer Reports, Car crash tests   Consumer Reports, Car crash tests An automatic head light dimming interior rear view mirror. An Electrochromic interior rear view mirror.
Installations that take longer than 90 minutes are what we classify as difficult installations that are is not practical to do in the field and do not qualify for our mobile on site service.
A difficult replacement windshield installation can take up to two highly experienced auto glass technicians working as a team from 2 to 6 hours to properly install a windshield when everything goes by the book. Two good examples would be a Toyota FJ Cruiser and an Audi A4 convertible. Both of these vehicles require a significant amount of time to replace a windshield in as they must be meticulously done in stages working with the fragile difficult to access cowls, surrounding moldings and fastener parts that must be removed and replaced much reminiscent of a 2000 word jig saw puzzle.
An Audi A4 convertable replacement windshield installation takes several hours. A Toyota FJ Cruiser replacement windshield installation can take several hours. Comprehensive insurance, as a rule, covers most things that are out of your control. This is a before and after example of a windshield repair. This is a before and after example of a windshield repair.
How long does it take to have a rock chip in my windshield repaired? The answer to your question depends on the size as well as the type of break you have in your windshield. The majority of windshield breaks only take about 30 minutes to complete while others can be rather difficult and can take as long as 90 minutes to achieve a satisfactory result. There are many factors that must be taken into account such as the age of the glass, the type of break it is, how long the break has been in the windshield and whether or not there is contamination within the break. Our technicians will make every effort they can to have you back on the road again as soon as possible.
I have a leaking windshield in my car, can Phoenix Glass fix it for me? We sure can but we would want to be sure its actually your windshield that is leaking. Customers call or stop by our Knoxville auto glass service center with what they think is a leaking windshield problem almost daily. Truth be told if we look at 10 factory or quality installed leaking windshields only about 1 or 2 of them on average actually turn out to be a windshield leak. In most cases it turns out to be a body seam, a sunroof or as of late an Onstar or satellite radio antenna. An easy and cheap way to diagnosis your windshield leak your self is to run water on just the windshield being   absolutely   sure not to allow anything beyond that point to get wet. If nothing else is getting wet and you see water dripping from the windshield chances are you have found the problem, if not keep moving the water back about 10 inches at a time every 10 minutes or so until you see water leaking inside. Your goal is to find where the water is entering the vehicle. There nothing like spending your hard earned money having your windshield repaired or replaced only to find out later that the windshield wasn’t the problem all along and unfortunately it happens all the time.
There nothing like spending your hard earned money having your windshield repaired or replaced and find out later that windshield wasn’t the problem all along and unfortunately it happens all the time.
I have a Bobcat 3200 4x2 UTV that needs a new windshield, Can Phoenix Glass provide a replacement ? If the windshield as well as other glass parts in it are made from (flat laminated glass) and (doesn’t require holes) in it we sure can. We should add that if the vehicle is within our local service area we can even pick up and return your (clean) vehicle to you.
Bobcat 3200 4x2 UTV Windshield Replacement UTV Windshield Replacement Pick up and Delivery Service
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